







[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.] 

prescribed by the scheme (and not to escape dismissal for fraud dishonesty or misconduct involving pecuniary loss to the Corporation) shall be entitled to receive back the whole amount of his own contributions with such interest thereon as shall have accrued thereon under the scheme and shall have no further claim upon the thrift fund;
(2.) The representatives of any contributing member who not having been guilty of fraud dishonesty or misconduct involving pecuniary loss to the Corporation shall die before he becomes entitled to any benefit under the scheme on resignation or retirement shall be entitled to receive back the whole contributions of such member with such interest as shall have accrued thereon under the scheme and shall have no further claim upon the thrift fund except as may be provided by the scheme ;
(3.) Any contributing member dismissed from the service of the Corporation for fraud or dishonesty or for misconduct involving pecuniary loss to the Corporation or retiring to escape dismissal for any of those causes shall at the discretion of the Corporation forfeit all or any part of his contributions and the interest thereon and lose all benefits from the thrift fund except such return (if any) as may at such discretion be made to him out of his own contributions and the interest thereon ;
(4.) Any contributing member who shall become entitled to superannuation or shall be required to retire in consequence of any reduction of the number of persons in the service of the Corporation shall be entitled to payment as follows if by way of a gross sum the total amount of the contributions made by him to the fund and of the equivalent contributions made by the Corporation with interest thereon and if by way of an annuity such an amount as shall be determined by. actuarial calculations to be of equal value to such gross sum as aforesaid.
183. The Corporation shall supply a copy of any scheme in force under this part of this Act at a price not exceeding sixpence to any officer or servant in the employ of the Corporation interested in the thrift fund or the representatives of any such officer or servant in case of death and shall supply gratuitously to every officer or servant or other person having an interest in the thrift fund a copy of the last annual balance sheet of the same for the time being.
184.-(1.) The Corporation shall at the end of each and every half year after the establishment of the thrift fund contribute thereto out of the rate or revenue upon which the salary or wages 

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South Shields Sanddancers