







[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.] 

agreed on between such person and the Corporation by a competent valuer to be appointed by the Board of Trade then upon payment of such price the Corporation shall demise the said tramways to such person at such rent and upon such terms and conditions and the powers of the Corporation to work the said tramways shall cease and determine and all moneys paid to the Corporation or. such purchase shall be applied in repayment of moneys borrowed by the Corporation for the purpose of providing the plant materials and things for working the said tramways.
23. It shall not be lawful for the Corporation or their lessees or any company or person working or using the tramways to take or demand on Sunday or on any bank or other public holiday any higher rates or charges than those levied by them on ordinary week days.
24. In the event of any of the tramways of the Corporation authorised by the Order of 1881 or by this Act being worked by electricity the following provisions shall have effect:
(1.) The Corporation or their lessees or any company or person owning or working any of the tramways of the Corporation (who are herein-after in this section included in the expression " the Corporation ") shall construct their electric lines and other works of all descriptions and shall work their undertaken in all respects with due regard to the telegraphic lines from time to time used or intended to be used by Her Majesty's Postmaster-General and the currents in such telegraphic lines and shall use every reasonable means in the construction of their electric lines and other works of all descriptions and the working of their undertaking to prevent injurious affection whether by induction or otherwise to such telegraphic lines or the currents therein If any question arises as to whether the Corporation have constructed their electric lines or other works or work their undertaking in contravention of this sub-section such question shall be determined by arbitration and the Corporation shall be bound to make any alterations in or additions to their system which may be directed by the arbitrator:
(2.) If any telegraphic line of the Postmaster-General is injuriously affected by the construction by the Corporation of their electric lines and works or by the working of the undertaking of the Corporation the Corporation shall pay the expense of all such alterations in the telegraphic lines of the Postmaster General as may be necessary to remedy such injurious affection :

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South Shields Sanddancers