







[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.] 

therewith where and so far up the same as the tide flows and re-flows any work without the previous consent of the Board of Trade to be signified in writing under the hand of one of the secretaries or assistant secretaries of the Board of Trade and then. only according to such plan and under such restrictions and regulations as the Board of Trade may approve of such approval being signified as last aforesaid and where any such work may have been constructed the Corporation shall not at any time alter or extend the same without obtaining previously to making any such alteration or extension the like consents or approvals If any such work be commenced or completed contrary to the provisions of this part of this Act the Board of Trade may abate and remove the same and restore the site thereof to its former condition at the costs and charges of the Corporation and the amount of such costs and charges shall be a debt due from the Corporation to the Crown and shall be recoverable accordingly with costs.
39. If at any time the Board of Trade deems it expedient for the purposes of this Act to order a survey and examination of a work constructed by the Corporation under the powers of this part of this Act on in over through or across tidal. lands or tidal water or of the intended site of any such work the Corporation shall defray the expense of the survey and examination and the amount thereof shall be a debt due from the Corporation to the Crown and be recoverable accordingly with costs or the same may be recovered with costs as a penalty is recoverable from the Corporation.
40. If a work constructed by the Corporation under the powers of this Act on in over through or across tidal lands or tidal water is abandoned or suffered to fall into decay the Board of Trade may abate and remove the work or any part of it and restore the site thereof to its former condition at the expense of the Corporation and the amount of such expense shall be a debt due from the Corporation to the Crown and be recoverable accordingly with costs or the same may be recovered with costs as a penalty is recoverable from the Corporation.

41. The Corporation may enter upon take and use all or any part of the lands following shown on the deposited plans and described in the deposited book of reference (that is to say) :-
(1.) For the purpose of the street works the lands shown on the deposited plans in connexion therewith and which they may require for the purposes thereof respectively;

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South Shields Sanddancers