







[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.] 

by this section apply to all differences arising between the Corporation and the railway company touching all matters and things done or omitted to be done by either the Corporation or the railway company under the provisions of this section.
21. The lessees of or other the person or persons working or using the Tramways Nos. 1 2 3 and 4 by this Act authorised and the Corporation if and so long as they work those respective tramways under the provisions of this Act may if the Board of Trade should so determine and so far as may be necessary, for the proper working of the said Tramways Nos. 1 and 2 as a continuous line and of the said Tramways Nos. 3 and 4 also as a continuous line run over and use with their engines horses carriages officers and servants with respect to the said Tramways Nos. 1 and 2 such portion of the existing tramways of the Corporation in King Street and Ocean Road as lies at the junction of the said Tramways Nos. 1 and 2 with the said existing tramways and with respect to the said Tramways Nos. 3 and 4 such portion of the said existing tramways as lies in Slake Terrace and all stations sidings junctions turntables turnouts and conveniences connected with such portions respectively upon such terms and conditions and on payment of such tolls as may be agreed on between the Corporation and the lessees of the said existing tramways or as failing agreement may be settled by an arbitrator to be appointed by the Board of Trade.
22. If the Corporation are unable to demise their tramways authorised by the Order of 1881 or by this Act or any of such tramways upon such terms as in the opinion of the Board of Trade will yield to the Corporation an adequate rent therefor the Board of Trade may grant a licence to the Corporation to work such tramways and the Corporation may thereupon work the same and may provide such plant materials and things as may be requisite or convenient therefor and in such case the several provisions hereinbefore contained relating to the working of the said tramways and the taking of rates and charges therefor shall extend and apply mutatis mutandis to and in relation to the Corporation :
Provided that if at any time during such working by the Corporation any person make to the Corporation a tender in writing to take a lease of and to work the said tramways for such period (not being less than seven years unless the Corporation shall otherwise agree) at such rent and upon such terms and conditions as shall in the opinion of the Board of Trade be adequate and proper and such person at the same time offer to purchase the horses cars engines machines and fixed and movable tramway plant of the Corporation not included in such lease at a price to be fixed unless otherwise 
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South Shields Sanddancers