







[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.] 

44. And whereas in the construction of the works hereby authorised or otherwise in exercise of the powers of this Act it may happen that portions only of the houses or other buildings or manufactories shown on the deposited plans may be sufficient for the purposes of the same and that such portions may be severed from the remainder of the said properties without material detriment thereto Therefore notwithstanding section 92 of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 the owners of and other persons interested in the houses or other buildings or manufactories described in the Second Schedule to this Act and whereof parts only are required for the purposes of this Act may if such portions can in the opinion of the jury arbitrators or other authority to whom the question of disputed compensation shall be submitted be severed from the remainder of such properties without material detriment thereto be required to sell and convey to the Corporation the portions only of the premises so required without the Corporation being obliged or compellable to purchase the whole or any greater portion thereof the Corporation paying for the portions required by them and making compensation for any damage sustained by the owners thereof and other parties interested therein by severance or otherwise.
45. The Corporation shall except so far as a Secretary of State may otherwise direct cause the remains of any person interred or deposited in any portion of the burial ground of St. Hilda which they may take for street works under the powers of this Act to be removed and interred under the superintendence of the medical officer of health in some consecrated burial ground wherein burials may legally take place and shall cause any monuments and tombstones in any such portion of the burial ground so taken to be removed to and fixed or re-erected in such last mentioned burial ground Provided that the heirs executors administrators relations or friends of any person whose remains shall be interred or deposited in the said portion of the burial ground so taken may if they so prefer (at the cost of the Corporation such cost not to exceed ten pounds in each case) and under such superintendence as aforesaid remove the remains of such person to any burial ground wherein burials may legally take place and. remove the monument or tombstone erected to the memory of such person to any place they may think fit.
46. And whereas in order to avoid in the execution and maintenance of any works authorised by this Act injury to the houses and buildings within one hundred feet of such works it may be necessary to underpin or otherwise strengthen the same Therefore the Corporation at their own costs and charges may and if required by the owners and lessees of any such house or building shall subject 
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South Shields Sanddancers