







[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.] 

an amount which would be produced by a rate of one eighth of a penny in the pound an the assessable value of the borough to the general district rate.
65. The Corporation may from time to time place or authorise any person or persons to place seats or chairs in any street park recreation ground or other public place for the use of the public and may if they think fit charge or allow such person or persons to charge a reasonable sum for the use of chairs and map make byelaws for regulating the use of seats and chairs and for preventing injury or damage thereto.
66. The Corporation may in any public park garden or recreation ground belonging to them or under their control. and management maintain erect and maintain furnish and equip refreshment and reading rooms pavilions and other buildings and conveniences which may be required or convenient for the purposes of such park garden or recreation ground and the public resorting thereto and may charge for admission to such reading rooms pavilions or other buildings or conveniences or any of them or in respect of the use thereof or of any part or parts thereof respectively and may remove any such rooms pavilions buildings and conveniences which are no longer required or convenient for the purposes aforesaid :
Provided that the Corporation shall not charge for admission to such reading rooms on more than twelve days in any one year nor on more than four consecutive days on any one occasion.
67. The Corporation may let any refreshment rooms with their appurtenances belonging to them or under their control to such person for such term not exceeding three years at any one time at such rent payable at such times under such covenants and on such. conditions and with under and subject to such rights powers privileges and authorities relating thereto respectively as the Corporation may think fit.
68. The Corporation may from time to time let any such pavilions or other buildings for the purposes of particular meetings or entertainments.
69. The moneys (if any) received from the admission of any persons to any public park gardens or recreation ground belonging to the Corporation or under their control and management or any reading room assembly room pavilion or building or from the letting of any refreshment rooms or other buildings or from the letting of any apparatus for playing at games shall after providing for the maintenance of such parks gardens and recreation grounds or any of them be carried to the district fund.

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South Shields Sanddancers